My Services
(newborn-3 years)
Phone call or video support
Families who want a brief discussion for advice regarding small- moderate sleep issues or factors influencing their child’s sleep.
15 min consult - FREE
30 min (minor issues) $100
60 min call + two 20 min follow up calls $ 300
90 min call + two 20 min follow up calls $ 390
2 hour phone call + two 20 min follow up calls $ 450
60 min, 90 min and 2 hour includes x2 (20 min) follow up calls, customised routine templates, information guides)
In-home support
Support where I come to your home to discuss your concerns, provide solutions, demonstrate step-by-step settling techniques and provide lots of friendly guidance and tips. Includes personalised information sheets, routines, guides, and sleep-settling info for your child.
4 - hour in home day or night only $550
6 - hour in home day or night only $800
Overnight stay $1050
In-home support includes customised routines, information guides and x2 (20 min) follow up calls
** Additional cost for travelling more than 30 kms from my home
7-day support service
A one of a kind service!
30 min or 60 min phone calls or video calls everyday for 7 days to help empower and guide you to help your child sleep. Includes personalised information sheets, routines, guides, and sleep-settling info for your child.
30 min phone call or video call everyday for 7 days $600
60 min phone call or video call everyday for 7 days $1000
Support as needed by you
I respect that every family is unique and requires flexibility with provision of services. A modified customisable plan of extra care to support you and your family.
Extra phonecalls
Extra videocalls
Extra in- home support